Thursday 28 July 2011

Week 3b (Online Questionnaire)

As for this week, we are required to carry out a mini research by creating a simple questionnaire with 10 questions on the topic "E-Learning".

We are required to~

Create a questionnaire (Pilot test) using Survey Monkey
1. Register – free sign-up at
2. Add questions (use multiple choise – one answer only)
3. Collect and analysis data online (pilot test – give the link to our coursemates)
4. Ask our classmate to comment or each question/item.

My partner (Teh Hui Yen) and I had completed the survey form and provided below is the link.

We had edited our question as our lecturer commented on our survey is not the correct way of carrying out a survey. So, we search for informations on how to create a questionnaire and consult Mr. Kulan again.


We are required to:

Create Questionnaire using Google Document
1. Use gmail account
2. Open or click on documents
3. Create New → Form
4. Add demography and item/question in variety format – multiple choice, Checkboxes and scale
5. Explore the use of function Save, open, edit form
6. Ask several coursemates to test the online questionnaire.
7. Explore the use of Spreadsheet for this online questionnaire and Download as Excel format (xls) ( this file will be imported in SPSS)
8. Correct the questions based on the feedback
9. Ask the students from IPG KS (Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak) to answer the survey.

The questionnaire in google docs can be printed and distribute it to any students in your campus (each pair gets at least 10 respondents).

In this lesson, I have learnt how to create a simple questionnaire through Survey Monkey and also Google Document which is very simple. However, there are factors that we need to consider when constructing the questions. We need to be aware of our aim/ goal of doing the survey and who is our target of respondent. By having clear information on what to focus on, then only our survey is more relevant and accurate which will be our supportive arguments and evidence for any reports that we would want to do.

A poor questionnaire will result in poor feedback and it will not be accurate and not suitable to be used as a supporting evidence.

~Happy Distance Learning~


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