Tuesday 12 July 2011

Week 2 (Think, Pair, Share)

This week, we are required to complete our Assignment 1 (THINK, PAIR, SHARE activity)

There are several topic for us to discuss:
1.  21st Century Skills
2.  Learning Abouf ICT
3.  Thinking skills and ICT
4.  Internet and Computer Security (Virus, Spam, Phishing)
5.  Operating System 
6.  Original and licensing software
7.  Open source Software
8.  Web 2.0 in education
9.  E-Learning
10. Mobile learning

We are required to choose one topic and discuss it with other students about the topic in FB group that we have created before.
Hui Yen and I had chosen topic 9 - E-Learning to discuss. We are required to use any search engine (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.) to study the subtopic individually first.
Then, using my FB group, we had created document in the group which explain and discuss about e-Learning.

Online discussion will take place where members will read and respond to the topic and we (Yen and I) will give feedbacks or respond to their questions.

E-Learning is about learning through technology, and it is a paperless learning process.
Many learning institution is slowly developing e-Learning in their education system to enhance learning process as technology is changing rapidly. Through e-Learning, learners are able to share information and learn from the top universities in the world.
For instance, in iTunes Store (a software-based online digital media store by Apple) there are many education applications that were develop by various developers. Not only application, you can even find lecture videos or voice recoding from various top universities through the podcast category or from "iTunes U"(iTunes University - educational). In iTunes U, various university will upload lectures for iTunes user to download.
Some of the applications, podcast, files and etc. requires charges. However, there are some that is free to download.

iTunes' User Interface

Podcasts that I had downloaded earlier.

iTunes U that I had downloaded earlier.

iTunes Store - App Store (one of the category - education).

iTunes Store - Podcasts (education is one of the category).

iTunes Store - iTunes U (Business, Engineering, Fine Arts, Health & Medicine, History, Humanities, Language, Literature, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Society, Teaching & Education).

List of Universities (Harvard University is one of it).


I have learnt that nowadays, the education system in the world is slowly implementing e-Learning for everyone. through e-Learning, everyone is able to learn anything without the need to go the particular place. E-Learning is a paperless education which reduce the demand for papers, thus, saving the environment (although using electricity is not that environmental friendly either but in my opinion, it is better than cutting down the trees).

there are some factors that hinders e-Learning process.
Take Malaysia for example, there are many aspects that need to improve on such as:
  • Internet connection coverage (especially in rural areas)
  • Internet connection speed
  • literacy in computer
  • Awareness towards the benefits of e-Learning where many still prefer traditional learning mode because there are not expose to e-Learning.
  • Facilities of technology teaching aid (not well maintained)
  • Financially inadequate family background
There are many more factors that affects the progress of e-Learning.
Supports from various source is

Through this CiE course, I will be able to use what I have learnt in future and expose to the students to enhance learning effectively. I hope that in few years time, the e-Learning in our education system will improve and more students are expose to this type of learning mode which benefits everyone.

~Happy Distance Learning~

Thanks to this, I could do my work smoothly.


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